Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wrap Up Of Genius Hour.

     Genius Hour has been an amazing experience. I've spent these past weeks learning about my ancestry and where I've come from. I loved learning about the people I'm related to and getting to know where I'm from. I just wish it were easier to find more information about my people without having to sift through false information.
     The website I've decided to use, as I've said in past posts, definitely has it's faults. This has deterred me from wanting to find out more about my ancestry due to the annoying website. However, when I can muster the patience to work with the website my research is fruitful.
     Before doing this research assignment I didn't know that I almost have to force myself to research. I thought my topic was going to be interesting and something I wanted to stick with after we ended Genius Hour, but I quickly came to the conclusion that I HATE! If you're interested in researching your ancestry as well I would definitely recommend you not use this website.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

So Far

     So far my Genius Hour has been much more challenging than I expected. Since I'm using one website I expected my research to be relatively easy, however I quickly found out that was not the case. Each person has their own story that was not listed on my website. You have to look up these stories to get a grasp on who these people really were.
     Also, you have to know geography. For instance, I found out I'm part French. I found it strange since most of my ancestors have been English, Irish, Scottish, and German. Upon closer inspection I found a city name which then ended up being on the French-German border (explaining quite a bit).
     The website itself is also a little troubling. Some of the information they give you about the people is completely incorrect. For example, one of my ancestors supposedly married a woman in America before America was even discovered. I have to sift through all the incorrect information just to find one or two correct occurrences.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Malcom III

     In my previous post I wrote about King Duncan the first. Now I've found out that I am related to his son, Malcolm III. Malcolm is my 31st great grandfather and was born on March 26, 1031then died November 13, 1093- my birthday. Malcom was married twice, and while not much is known about his first wife (Ingibiorg) his second wife, Margaret, was sanctified as Saint Margaret in 1250.
     Malcolm III killed Macbeth (and Macbeths's son) in order to succeed the throne. Malcolm began the house of Canmore which ruled Scotland for more than 200 years. Many things happened in his lifetime that led to his death. He gave refuge to Saxons fleeing advancing Normans, and later invaded Northumbria where he expanded his kingdom to Cumbria. However, later he was swept aside as William II (King of Northumbria) marched into Scotland in 1092.
     Malcolm was forced to succeed to the Normans when they took his son and Brother-in-law as hostages. The following year Malcolm launched another attack on Northumbria but was killed in Alnwick, Northumberland. His brother, Donald II, succeeded the throne after his death. Then Malcolms son, David I, succeeded the throne after Donald's death.
     Malcolm's remains can be found in Tynemouth, Scotland.
                                                                    Malcolm III

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Scottish King

     According to my source ( I am related to King Duncan the First of Scotland. He is my 32nd great-grandfather. While this is very far back, can I technically say I'm a Scottish princess/Merida (from Brave) incarnate? I have done some research on my great-grandfather, but since it was so long ago I can find out very little.
     The King was born in 1005 and died in 1040, at the age of 35. There are two theories on how King Duncan died. The first is that he was murdered by his cousin Macbeth, who succeeded the throne, or more likely was killed in a civil war.
     King Duncan had three sons, including Malcolm III and Donald III, who later became kings. While the boys had to hide away while Macbeth held the throne they became Kings despite the turmoils and brought back the throne to their family line.

King Duncan the First 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

     Who were my ancestors? I've often asked this question. For my Genius Hour in English class I will be researching who my ancestors were. To do this I will be using I'm interested in who my ancestors were, because I desperately want to know who I am, and where I'm from. As this project continues I hope to learn about my heritage and how I ended up where I am today.
     With so many countries in the world it's often hard to think about why you're where you are. How did you end up here? How did you come to be here? Not only do I want to answer these questions but I also want to find out what kind of people I come from. My Grandparents always used to tell us that we were vikings. While I know that my research won't track back to vikings, I do want to find out if I had ancestors close to where vikings were rumored to be.
     I can't wait to begin answering all the questions I have in my head. With my research I hope I can learn all I want to know, and slowly but surely begin to open the doors to my past. I hope you'll join me in this ride as we take a look into my ancestors lives, and help me understand who they were and where they're from.